'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' Delves into Multiverse Theory - Trailing Off


Chad and Aaron, of Movie Night Autopsy, talk about the second trailer release for 'Spider-Man: into the Spider-Verse,' and the film's venture into the world of multiverse theory. Today on Trailing Off!


All right. Welcome to another fantastic Trailing Off. I'm Chad.

And I'm Aaron.

This is the podcast at basically we talk about trailers and that's about it.

That's it.

That's all we do. We basically just watched it two minutes ago and the one we talked about this week is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. This is the second trailer release for this particular movie. It does give more detail of what we plan to expect. I don't know if it's too much detail. That's a whole other argument for another day. We definitely see Miles Morales explore this universe and we learn a little bit about it.

This is the first I've heard of it actually.

You haven't seen the trailers in the other movies?

Nope, no, but I was impressed with the way it looks. I really love the animation style. It reminds me of a comic book the way it's shot and the tone in general.

It's a CG style that flows really well, a lot like human movement without being so overtly in your face of how much of it is computer generated.

It reminded me a little bit of Coraline. That's what I was trying to figure out.

It's like is it MOCAP? Is it CG? [crosstalk].

It really works for the urban setting obviously. This movie looks pretty good.

If I was Miles Morales, who in the comics is another Spider-Man, and in this movie really gives the impression that the reason there's different Spider people is because there's different universes, which is an interesting idea. It's been in comic books for years, but in science we call this the multiverse theory. It's really weird to see it in pop culture.

In infinite universes with infinite different versions of things. I feel like this is a really interesting way to pull from the various different Spider-Men that have been.

Spider-Men that have been. It just gets into Peter Parker's not this universe's Spider-Man. He comes into it and he shows Miles Morales how to do it. Then you get other different versions. You have Spider-Gwen, which is Gwen Stacy. You have Spider-Pig voiced by John Mulaney. I only heard two lines and I was on the floor. He was hilarious.

He's easily going to make this a really, make himself a really good part of this movie.

Oh yeah.

That guy's hilarious.

I love Mulaney.

Straight delivery. All of the voice acting scenes seems great. It looks fun, which that's what you got to do with Spider-Man. You can't make it too serious. You can't get too emo, Spider-Man III. It really works with Spider-Man's character and I'm excited to see it.

All of the Spider characters really because they're all having fun. It got a little bit into I think where it explained the movie too much for me, but then I was watching it and I remember it's very similar to an episode Spider-Man the animated series from the '90s, actually the last episode. They did like a secret wars thing where they got Spider-Mans from different dimensions to fight this crazy alien on this planet.

That's cool.

That's also something that happens a lot in comic books anyway. I was like, it's funny that two different Spider-Man things 20 years apart. The script is written by Phil Lord and Chris Miller from all kinds of stuff, the 21 and 2 Jump Streets and the Clone High, if you want to be old school about it, that awesome show.

When the trailer explains a lot of what's happening. It's not much of a surprise because they slip in the meta territory a little bit.

I feel like that's a problem with all our trailers nowadays. It's very frustrating to watch that when you're in these movies that are about to come out in the last couple weeks. They basically just give you the whole plot served out in a platter in front of you. That's just a typical problem nowadays. We really should get over.

I agree. I really feel like besides the multiple Spider people in this, they got a little bit too much into multiverse theory. I don't know much of what's going on in the plot. I think the Kingpin's in it. I think that was the Kingpin.

That was definitely Kingpin.

It was a big dude. He wasn't in the white suit so it's hard to tell. It was a science thing happening.

He had the rectangle body.

He had the head with no neck. It's like a turtle thick [crosstalk] person.

That guy's definitely Kingpin.

In a white suit.

Which is cool because that's one of my favorite Spider-Man villains and it often gets skipped over in all these movies. You never have any [crosstalk].

It was because they put him in Daredevil.

That's true.

They just announced, this has nothing to do with this, but they just announced today that he's going to be in the new season of Daredevil. He's going to be wearing the white suit, so Vincent D'Onofrio's awesome. Anyway, back to Spider-Man.

I'm glad to see Kingpin in a full length movie and might be able to enjoy that.

I trust the writers. I trust the fun that I think we're all going to have. It is a family friendly movie. This is about PG.

It's definitely tending towards the younger audience.

Oh yeah, it is, but I feel like it's smart enough that adults can enjoy it. The way entertainment used to be, there wasn't children's movies. There were family movies and there were things for kids and adults. It's not without having to talk down to kids or without adults having to suffer through it.

I kind of have faith that this movie will tow that line well just based on the preview alone.

It should be a lot of fun. It's got that line in it where they say it twice I think where is you're different. That's what makes you Spider-Man. As you learn, it's Peter Parker and I assume he's saying it to Miles Morales because this is a different Spider-Man. Totally different in every single way.

He's the current Spider-Man, right? [crosstalk].

You know the thing about comic books? It's exhausting keeping up so it's easier to watch the movies. Anyway, that's what we thought about this Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse trailer. Tell us what you think. Hit us up in the comments, the links, the socials. Let us know how we do, but for Trailing Off I'm Chad.

And I'm Aaron. 

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